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Pre-K Vision Screening in Kent County Schools

Vision Screening for Preschool Children

Why Should a Child Be Screened?

  • Amblyopia is most easily treated in children under the age of six.
  • Routine medical exams do not always detect vision problems in children.
  • Untreated Amblyopia can result is severe loss of vision.
  • Vision screenings offered by the Lions are fast, effective and FREE


Helping Kids See Clearly Into The Future

Screening of children in the Pre-K Classes for possible vision problems has become an important community service. Children in all four Kent County Elementary Schools are tested by Lions from Chestertown and Galena.


Amblyopia is the medical term for "lazy eye" - an eye that is not working the way it should. In children, conditions leading to Amblyopia are not usually diagnosed or treated until the child reaches school age. But it is well established that treatment should begin before the age of six.

Amblyopia affects about 3% to 5% of all American children. If left untreated, it can result in severe loss of vision in one eye. Lions Clubs are committed to helping those children avoid permanent loss of vision.

There are multiple eye conditions that lead to Amblyopia and the vision screening tests conducted by trained volunteer Lions are 85-90% effective in finding these vision problems in their early stages.

Lions Preschool Vision Screening Program

Since 1925 the Lions have been dedicated to programs that conserve sight and assist the vision impaired. The Lions in Kent County, working in close cooperation with the Kent County Schools and Department of Public Health are now offering free vision screening for preschool children.

Volunteer Lions using a sophisticated digital device check for refractive errors in each eye and then perform a separate test to evaluate the child's stereoscopic vision. The tests are sanctioned by the School authorities and are performed in conjunction with the School Nurse. Testing is brief and conducted during the school day with a minimum distraction to classroom activities.

Tests are fast and painless and the results are available immediately. Reports are sent home immediately after the testing.

These screening tests are not a substitute nor are they as effective as a complete eye examination conducted by an eye care professional. Lions encourage such examinations when children's test results indicate potential problems. Indeed, Lions encourage routine thorough eye examinations for everyone.