Galena Lions Club was chartered into Lions International in 1958. Later the Club organized a separate fundraising organization named Galena Lions Charities, a non-profit registered with the IRA as a 501(c)(3) corporation. Dedicated to serving the community, the Club distributes money through the Charity organization to help needy people.
Since its founding in 1918 by Melvin Jones of Chicago Illinois, Lions Clubs International has adhered to its motto “We Serve”. Early in the building of the Lions Club International, members were influenced by Helen Keller. She challenged the Lions to become “Knights of the Blind.” Thus influenced, Lions took up the cause by organizing many programs devoted to helping blind people and preventing vision loss. Today, the majority of fund raising activities are committed to providing money throughout the world to support the needs of individuals who have lost their sight or are in danger of doing so.
Galena Lions Club actively participates in many Lions Clubs International programs for fighting blindness. But in addition provides support for many national and local programs. Funds raised through a series of activities (See our fundraising page) are distributed to:
⓵ Leader Dog Foundation of Rochester Michigan
⓶ Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
⓷ Christmas Baskets for the Needy of Kent County Maryland
⓸ Galena Volunteer Fire Company
⓹ Kent Center for the Disabled
⓺ Operation Daffodil providing fresh cut flowers for the hospitalized and nursing home residents of Kent County
⓻ Scholarships for Kent County residents attending Washington College
⓼ Vision screening for all pre-k children attending Kent County schools
⓽ Local community needs including eye exams, treatment and eye glasses
➩ And the list goes on
Our thirty-four members are dedicated to serving our community.
Care to join us? Use the Contact button in the menu bar to reach us.
Written by: Lion Jim Pileggi